Sunday, September 23, 2012

Background part 4

Wow I have a lot of background :) 

So back to the medical side of life. I can't even tell you how much having the vitamins in check changed my life. I as well as Sherri could tell when they kicked in. I was walking faster and farther than my body had allowed me to go before. I was on fire! OK maybe not but it was great. I have loved the consistency that we were able to have. I can't even tell you how much it meant to me that I had a walking partner that actually would walk with me on a regular basis. It's hard when you want to get out there and do something and somebody promises to do it with you and they back out. You lose your motivation as well. The other thing I have come to appreciate is that she and I are on the same page. It's not like she is doing it for me or I am doing this whole thing for her. We both are doing it for ourselves and doing it together makes it better. I think if it were just her walking with me because I needed somebody to walk with I might actually resent her a bit. Or if I felt like I didn't contribute to this equal motivating friendship we have that it would not go far. Somebody once said to me and I hope I don't misquote her or mess up the thought of it. She said you are supposed to be interdependent. Meaning you are supposed to be independent while depending on others. We all need other people in our lives. Why do you think babies who are never held have issues. We need human contact in some way. I am one who believes that God brings people into our lives for a reason. God brought Sherri back into my life so that we could spur each other on to be better people for ourselves. To be the us that we know is. So that has been the story of the exercising this far. 

I bet you might be wondering a few things. Am I dieting? What kind of program are you doing? Well I will answer that. No I am not dieting, and I am right now not on any program. Honestly the first weight came off simply by no soda and walking. Now I since have changed my eating habits but other than the soda I have not really said I can't to anything. Here is my thoughts on that. I am not saying that it will work for everybody. For me it came down to if I tell myself that I "can't" have something I am going to want it all the more. So I don't. Now do I drive through McDonald's on a daily basis and get a dollar burger and dollar fries like I used to? NO... Do I even eat out as much as I used to? NO... I have been eating a lot more salads, greek yogurt, and healthy things such as that. But if I go to a graduation or birthday party and I want some cake I will have some. I just don't take the huge piece that is cut. I will opt for splitting it with somebody. One thing I have noticed is that when I stopped all the bad habits my body required less food. I was eating for fuel not for fun. Where I normally would fill a bowl I took a smaller bowl and didn't even fill that. Now I am not saying I am not tempted or that I don't give in on things, but for the most part I have been sticking with it.

What is really funny is through this all I have not had to tell myself anything it has actually come pretty naturally. 

To be continued. I am heading out today to go walk for a cure for type one diabetes. I had to miss church but for such a worthy cause I could do it! Write more later.. PROMISE!

1 comment:

  1. That was one thing I noticed with any sort of weight loss program: you couldn't do this or you couldn't do that.

    I'm sorry, when I'm told I can't do something, I want to do more of it, almost in spite but not really.

    If I've been given some leeway, I do much better (like being told, "you shouldn't have cake on a daily basis but when you want a slice, have one").

    And now I'm walking more out here in California...and not eating as much.
