Saturday, September 22, 2012

Background Part 3

So I find myself bummed that this didn't come sooner but please forgive. I have been crazy busy the past few weeks getting a job, joining a gym, and getting ready for..... SCHOOL!!!

So I will get back to my story...

So no soda is where I left off. So there it was no soda, yoga and started walking. Got through the first few weeks but it was frustrating to me. I had always heard how when you were done exercising you were energized. I wasn't in fact I kept on getting more tired. I was yawning through walk and could hardly make it through 2.5 miles. I didn't understand it. It wasn't until my fingers started getting the pins and needles feeling that I realized what was going on. I had been diagnosed with a B12 deficiency. I was told I would have to take injections for the rest of my life.  Well for reasons unknown to me my doctor took me off of it saying my levels were normal.... I thought well duh I have been doing my injections, but she was the doctor who was I to argue. I knew I was low, our insurance had just changed and I needed to establish with a new doctor. I hate going to knew doctors. I prayed that this would be good. The closest clinic I could go to was Cambridge as Brian is now working in Waukesha.  It was such a blessing, the clinic in Cambridge had two female nurses which is what I hoped for. So I took the one I could get into the fastest. Praying that she would believe me about my B12 and let me get my injections as soon as possible. She did, and man was I thankful. I told her about the changes I had been making in my life and that at that point only 2 or 3 weeks into the process I was already 9lbs down. Then she did what no other doctor has for me ever. She encouraged me. Told me how proud of me she was. Her next words to me were gold.... She told me if I kept it up that I would lose 100lbs in a year.  Up til then all I had ever heard from a doctor is that I wouldn't have issues with this or that if I wasn't so heavy,overweight,obese... come on people just say it... I wouldn't have other issues if I wasn't so FAT. Just because you put a medical term on it doesn't make it sound any prettier. I remember hearing that and asking can you help me, what do I need to do, and where should I look? One sent me to a dietitian once. OK really you want me to lose weight by having a skinny person tell me what I need to do once and have there be no follow up. Thanks but no! My doctor not only checked my B12 but she checked my Vitamin D levels as well. I was DANGEROUSLY low on that as well. She put me on 50,000 units daily for a bit and then twice a week. What I didn't know is that when you are heavy you tend to not be able to get the amount you need from the sun even if I were to be in the sun all day. Not to mention if your D levels are low it can actually hinder you from losing weight. What a double edged sword!

Stay tuned  with in the next post or two I will publicly reveal my before and progress pictures. Some of you have seen it one on one. But I will let the people who read this see it as well. If not for anything else than to encourage other that they too can work hard and lose the weight.

I am going to go for now, I promise I will try to update tomorrow. Which is only 15min away. :)

1 comment:

  1. You're not a milk drinker, are you? Milk has a crapton of vitamin D. But, as long as the supplements are working, then woo-hoo!
